I finally bought new lamp shades for our bedroom and covered them! I have been in search of decently priced white barrel lamp shades for a few months and when I was at Lowe's last week I came across the exact lamp shades I wanted priced at just $10! Turns out they were supposed to be marked at $15, but they had the wrong tag on them. Thankfully they honored the $10 price tag saving me $10!
I already had the fabric I wanted to cover the shades with, which I bought at fabric.com. It's a green ikat print to tie in with the green on my bedroom dresser.
What you need:
~hot glue gun
~glue sticks
~lamp shade
Here's how I made did it...
I laid the lamp shade on the fabric in the middle of the fabric about 5 inches from the top and rolled the shade as I lightly traced the curve it made with a pencil. I traced the curve several inches longer on each end to make sure I had enough left over to fold over at the end.
Then I cut the fabric out about 1 inch from the line I drew.
Next I wrapped the fabric around the shade and pinned the fabric tight around the shade.
Using my hot glue gun I glued the fabric to the bottom of the shade first by folding over the fabric about 1/2 inch so that the raw edge was no longer exposed. I left about 3 inches unglued at the seam of the shade.
Then I glued the fabric to the top of the shade. When I got to the metal rods I cut a 3/4'' slit in the fabric where the rods were. I left 3 inches at the seam unglued at the top as well.
I folded back the excess fabric on each side right over the shades seam line. Then using my 2 inch wide clear ruler I placed the ruler over the fabric with the middle of the ruler right over the seam line and drew a line on each side of the seam so it was 1 inch out on each side.
I cut the fabric on the lines.
Glued down the first side.
I folded down the second side over the shade trying to make a straight line. I marked the fold by pressing it down until there was a visible fold line in the fabric.
Then I glued the ends to the insides of the frame.
Finally I glued down the outer seam and I was done!
And here is what they look like in our bedroom
And here is the dresser they are supposed to tie in with.
And a quick little before and after shot with the bedroom before, the bedroom with the old lamp shades, and the bedroom with the new lamp shades:
I hope you enjoyed learning how to cover a barrel shaped lamp shade and I hope all of my directions made since. Feel free to ask questions if they don't and post pictures if you make your own!