Monday, March 12, 2012

Letter Wrapped in Jute

Here is a fun little craft I made the other day. It is easy and something mindless you can make while hanging out with a friend or watching TV. I found the idea on pinterest from this blog. She made hers into a door hanger, I just made mine for a fun letter to set somewhere in the house. Right now it lives on top of the china cabinet in our kitchen, but I'm sure it will have many different homes around the house.

What you need:
  • Card Board 3-D letter
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Jute

To begin just glue the end of your string of jute to the bottom back side of your letter and begin winding it around the letter. You basically continue this all the way up the letter until your letter is covered. depending on your letter you may need to do several different pieces of jute. For example when I got to the other leg of the A I had to start with another piece. That's about it! It's fun and easy to make! Have fun and please post pictures or advice if you make one too!

What do you think of my new A??

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