Monday, January 23, 2012

How To Make Your Own Movie Ticket Cork Board

Here's what you need:
1. Movie Tickets. This can be movies you have seen with anyone, with your significant other (which was my case), with your family, your friend, etc. It may take a while to save up enough to fill up a board, unless you've already been saving tickets for years like me. Also, you can always leave room like me, for movies you will see in the future.
2. Any size cork board, mine started out black, but I painted it white to go with the rest of our frames
3. 1 pack of thumb tacks, I also bought white to match the white theme, but you can choose whatever works best for you.

Assemble Tickets on the board so that they all fit nice and close together, just to warn you this takes a lot of rearranging. Then pin them on with thumb tacks and you're done!

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